Compact with Texans

The Texas Pension Review Board (PRB) is mandated to oversee all Texas public retirement systems, both state and local, in regard to their actuarial soundness and compliance with state law. The PRB responsibilities include:

  • conducting a continuing review of all public retirement systems within the state, compiling and comparing information about benefit structures, financing, and administration of systems;
  • conducting intensive studies of existing or potential problems that weaken the actuarial soundness of public retirement systems;
  • ensuring the equitable distribution of promised benefits to members of public retirement systems while maximizing the efficient use of tax dollars;
  • providing information and technical assistance to public retirement systems, their members, the political entities which sponsor them, and the public;
  • recommending policies, practices, and legislation to public retirement systems and governmental entities;
  • examining all legislation for potential effect on Texas’ public retirement systems, overseeing the actuarial analysis process, and providing actuarial review when required by law;
  • administering the registration and reporting requirements under Chapter 802, Government Code; and
  • reporting board activities to the Governor and Legislature in November of each even-numbered year.

PRB Services

The PRB will act in accordance with the highest standards of ethics, accountability, efficiency, and transparency. We are proud to be of service to the state in helping ensure that promised pension benefits are provided to the public retirement systems’ members and beneficiaries and in seeing that tax dollars are spent most efficiently.

The PRB will:

  • support and promote sound pension practices;
  • provide timely and meaningful information on laws, rules, and activities overseen by the agency;
  • return phone calls promptly, if possible within one working day;
  • respond to requests for technical assistance within 10 business days and requests for information under the Public Information Act promptly, as required under the Public Information Act (generally within 10 business days);
  • route technical assistance requests that do not relate to the PRB to the appropriate agency within one working day;
  • provide an internet site ( that contains information on the agency; the laws and reporting procedures that pertain to public pension systems; and publications, pamphlets and presentations on the agency’s activities.

Suggestions and Complaint Process

The PRB welcomes all suggestions and will promptly respond to all complaints directed against the agency itself or any registered Texas public retirement system. If the PRB is unable to address a complaint due to lack of jurisdiction or authority, the PRB will direct the complaint to the most appropriate responding agency within 10 business days. Suggestions or complaints must be received in writing and may be submitted by mail or email as specified below. All formal suggestions and complaints will be acknowledged and reviewed.

Written complaints about a registered public retirement system will be forwarded to the administrator of the subject pension system for response, with a copy of the forwarding letter sent to the complainant. The PRB will send a complaint document stating the facts of the issue and providing any suggestions to prevent recurrence of the issue to the individual filing the complaint and the public retirement system.

Written complaints or questions should be addressed to:


Texas Pension Review Board
PO Box 13498
Austin, TX 78711-3498