Texas Local Fire Fighters Retirement Act (TLFFRA)

The Texas Local Fire Fighters Retirement Act (TLFFRA) allows for paid and part-paid fire departments and volunteer fire departments in participating cities to administer their own local retirement systems. The Act provides a general framework for the establishment of TLFFRA systems, including some investment restrictions, but leaves administration, plan design, contributions, and specific investments to each system’s local board. Systems operating under TLFFRA are entirely locally funded.

View the Pension Review Board’s 2024 TLFFRA Report.

PRB Duties Related to TLFFRA Systems

Technical Assistance and Information

Typing Closeup

The agency provides technical assistance and information to the TLFFRA systems on various issues, including questions relating to the TLFFRA statute and reporting requirements.

TLFFRA Specialist

The PRB is required to assign one person to specialize in providing assistance to TLFFRA plans. For all questions and inquiries related to TLFFRA please call or email Bryan at the contact information below.  He will be able to answer or route your question to another staff member in order to assist you in a timely manner.

Bryan Burnham, TLFFRA Program Specialist — (512) 463-1736 | [email protected]

TLFFRA TrainingStudy up!

The PRB works with the TLFFRA systems at both the TLFFRA trustee training and the Annual TLFFRA Conference.

TLFFRA Appeals to SOAH

The PRB has approved a procedure for the referral of TLFFRA appeals to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) and a TLFFRA Notice of Appeal Form for the convenience of TLFFRA systems and their members.